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Laser (LASER) welding technology

更新时间:2018-11-12 03:54 点击数:








Laser (LASER) welding technology

Laser welding technology is to focus the laser beam (LASER) to form a high energy density (g/cm3 or kg/m3) laser pulse to heat the part of the material in a small area, then melt the material (definition: the change process of material from solid to liquid) to form a specific molten pool, so as to achieve the purpose of welding. Optically pumped laser accessories. It refers to laser accessories excited by optical pumps, including almost all solid-state laser accessories and liquid laser accessories, as well as a few gas laser accessories and semiconductor laser accessories.

At present, the laser parts used for high-power laser welding are mainly CO2 gas laser parts and Nd:YAG solid-state laser parts. Solid-state laser accessories, the working substance used in such laser accessories, are made by incorporating metal ions capable of generating stimulated radiation into crystals or glass substrates to form luminescent centers. Semiconductor laser fittings, which are stimulated by a certain semiconductor material as working material, are based on the principle of exciting unbalanced carriers between the energy bands of semiconductor materials or between the energy bands and impurity levels through a certain excitation mode (electric injection, optical pump or high-energy electron beam injection). In order to generate the stimulated emission of light, the inversion of particle number is realized.

The output wavelength of CO2 laser is 10.6 micron. It uses CO2 mixture as the laser active medium (the decisive substance) and generates excitation (Excitation) by discharging. Solid-state laser accessories, the working substance used in such laser accessories, are made by incorporating metal ions capable of generating stimulated radiation into crystals or glass substrates to form luminescent centers.

The output wavelength of Nd: YAG solid-state laser is 1.06 micron. It uses Nd (Nd) or Y (Yb) metal ions doped YAG crystal as the laser active medium (the decisive substance), mainly through optical pumping (pump) to emit laser. Solid-state laser accessories, the working substance used in such laser accessories, are made by incorporating metal ions capable of generating stimulated radiation into crystals or glass substrates to form luminescent centers.

Compared with CO2 laser accessories, the main advantage of Nd:YAG laser accessories is that the beam can be propagated through fiber, and its wavelength is short, which is conducive to the absorption of material surface, especially for welding copper (chemical copper) alloy and aluminum (Al) alloy (melting point 660 C).


Liaocheng Jingjikaifaqu Jieke Laser equipment Co., Ltd.

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