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Laser heat treatment technology

更新时间:2018-11-12 03:56 点击数:

激光热处理(chǔ lǐ)技术

激光热处理(chǔ lǐ)是利用高功率(指物体在单位时间内所做的功的多少)密度的激光束对进行表面处理的方法,它可以对实现相变硬化(或称作表面淬火、表面非晶化、表面重熔粹火)、表面合金化等表面改性处理,产生用其大表面淬火达不到的表面成分、组织、性能的改变。激光配件工作时,先由激光发射二极管对准目标发射激光脉冲。经目标反射后激光向各方向散射。部分散射光返回到传感器接收器,被光学系统接收后成像到雪崩光电二极管上。雪崩光电二极管是一种内部具有放大功能的光学传感器,因此它能检测极其微弱的光信号,并将其转化为相应的电信号。经激光处理后,铸铁表面硬度可以达到HRC60度以上,中碳及高碳的碳素钢,表面硬度可达HRC70度以上,从而提高起抗磨性,抗疲劳,耐腐化侵蚀,抗氧化(抗氧化自由基)等性能,增加其使用的时长,激光热处理技术与其它热处理如高频淬火,渗碳,渗氮等传统工艺相比,具有以下特性:

1、无需使用外加材料(Material),仅改变被处理(chǔ lǐ)材料表面的组织结构.处理后的改性层具有足够的厚度,可根据需要调整深浅一般可达0.1-0.8mm。激光配件主要包括激光机上常用的部件,如激光器,激光管,激光电源,激光头,激光控制系统,激光运动系统,激光镜片等。

2、处理(chǔ lǐ)层和基体结合强度高.激光表面处理的改性层和基体材料(Material)之间是致密的冶炼金属结合,而且处理层表面是致密的冶金组织,具有比较高的硬度和耐磨耗性。激光配件主要包括激光机上常用的部件,如激光器,激光管,激光电源,激光头,激光控制系统,激光运动系统,激光镜片等。

3、被处理(chǔ lǐ)件变形极小,由于激光功率(指物体在单位时间内所做的功的多少)密度高,与零件的作用时间很短(10-2-10秒),故零件的热变形区和整体变化都很小。故适合于高精度零件处理(chǔ lǐ),作为材料(Material)和零件的最后处理(chǔ lǐ)工序。

4、加工柔性好,适用面广。激光配件工作时,先由激光发射二极管对准目标发射激光脉冲。经目标反射后激光向各方向散射。部分散射光返回到传感器接收器,被光学系统接收后成像到雪崩光电二极管上。雪崩光电二极管是一种内部具有放大功能的光学传感器,因此它能检测极其微弱的光信号,并将其转化为相应的电信号。利用灵活的导光系统(system)可随意将激光导向处理(chǔ lǐ)部分,从而可方便地处理深孔、内孔、盲孔和凹槽等,可进行选择(xuanze)性的局部处理。

Laser heat treatment (CH L) technology

Laser heat treatment (chl108 The surface composition, microstructure and properties of quenched materials can not be changed. When laser accessories work, laser emitting diodes are used to transmit laser pulses to the target. After the target is reflected, the laser scatters in all directions. Part of the scattered light returns to the sensor receiver and is received by the optical system and then imaged onto the avalanche photodiode. Avalanche photodiode is an optical sensor with internal amplification function, so it can detect extremely weak optical signals and convert them into corresponding electrical signals. After laser treatment, the surface hardness of cast iron can reach HRC60 degree or above, and that of medium and high carbon carbon carbon steel can reach HRC70 degree or above. Thus, the wear resistance, fatigue resistance, corrosion resistance, oxidation resistance (antioxidant free radicals) and other properties of cast iron can be improved, and the use time of cast iron can be prolonged. Laser heat treatment technology and other heat treatments can also be used. Such as high frequency quenching, carburizing, nitriding and other traditional processes, have the following characteristics:

1. No need to use additional material (Material), only change the structure of the surface of the treated material (chl). After treatment, the modified layer has enough thickness, and the depth can be adjusted to 0.1-0.8mm according to the need. Laser accessories mainly include laser, laser tube, laser power supply, laser head, laser control system, laser motion system, laser lens and so on.

2. The bonding strength between the treated layer (chl1088 Laser accessories mainly include laser, laser tube, laser power supply, laser head, laser control system, laser motion system, laser lens and so on.

3. The processed part (chl108 Therefore, it is suitable for high precision parts processing (chl108

4, processing flexibility is good, wide application. When laser accessories work, laser emitting diodes are used to transmit laser pulses to the target. After the target is reflected, the laser scatters in all directions. Part of the scattered light returns to the sensor receiver and is received by the optical system and then imaged onto the avalanche photodiode. Avalanche photodiode is an optical sensor with internal amplification function, so it can detect extremely weak optical signals and convert them into corresponding electrical signals. With flexible light guide system, laser guided processing (chl


Liaocheng Jingjikaifaqu Jieke Laser equipment Co., Ltd.

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